Feb 14, 2024

 2月24日(土)17:00 〜3名の豪華なゲストをお呼びしてオンライン座談会を行います

Do you ever wonder about the bathroom signs 🚻 you see every day?”

Join us for an online panel discussion with three special guests on Saturday, February 24th, at 5 pm! We will be live streaming on our official Youtube and Instagram!

Do you wonder about the bathroom signs 🚻 depicting a blue male figure and a red female figure side by side, symbols we see every day?

On February 19th, the Nakamura Keith Haring Collection’s restrooms will be renovated to be all-gender restrooms . To mark this occasion, we have invited three diverse creatives, Andromeda, Jeremy Benkemoun, and Yuri Abo, each with unique backgrounds and genders, actively engaged in various creative fields, to participate in an online panel discussion!

Using bathrooms as a starting point, a topic familiar to everyone, we will discuss the systems, facilities, and reasons that exist in society as well as out hopes to bring about change.

Our guests, Andromeda, Jeremy Benkemoun, and Yuri Abo, come from different places and backgrounds. They each excel in creative fields such as art, performance, photography, editing, and writing, without being confined to any particular genre. As seen in the activities of the magazine ‘IWAKAN,’ which unfortunately suspended its activities in December, we invite you to witness discussions where the three share their creations, life experiences, and beliefs, sometimes resonating with each other and sometimes offering different perspectives!

This panel discussion will be live-streamed on the Nakamura Keith Haring Collection’s official YouTube and Instagram, and you can also join us at the museum. During the live stream, we will be accepting questions via the comment section 💬, so please feel free to participate in this opportunity to discuss gender and stereotypes starting from a place as common as the bathroom .

This event is free to attend