


WordPlay By Wosene Worke Kosrof 言の葉の戯れ



この度、中村キース・ヘリング美術館では、現在開催中 の 10 周年記念企画展「キース・ヘリングと日本」に併せ、 特別展示「WordPlay By Wosene Worke Kosrof /言の葉の戯れ」 を開催いたします。 期間:2017年11月23日 ~ 2018年1月31日


Wosene Worke Kosrof (ワセニ・ウォルケ・コスロフ)は、1950年エチオピア出身。サンフランシスコ在住。アフリカ現代美術を代表する画家の一人だ。




中でもWordPlay と名付けられたシリーズは代表的な作品である「ワードプレイ」という通り「ワード=言葉」にフォーカスしたものだが、アムハラ語に限らず、あらゆる言語が記号化、あるいは絵画化されており、あたかも音符のように画面に表現される。






Wosene Kosrof (ワセニ・コスロフ)はアフリカ現代美術を代表する画家の一人だ。鮮明な色使いとリズミカルな線、アフリカの原初的な伝統美術を取り入れた画風で知られている。中でもエチオピアの主要言語の一つであるアムハラ語の文字を融合させた作品はワセネ芸術を特徴付けている。70年代以降、全米各地、ヨーロッパで数々の美術館や画廊での展覧会を開催。日本でも95年から高知県の画廊で個展を開催している。ワセネ氏の絵画を特徴付けるその色使いは、チャーリー・パーカー、マイルス・ディヴィス、エラ・フィッツジェラルドといったジャズ音楽や現代エチオピア音楽が根源となっている。またワセネ氏の絵画作品は日本でも病院の病室や診療所などに飾られており、画面から発する色の音がアートセラピーとしての力を発揮している。






By Ethiopian artist, Wosene


October 23rd, 2017-January 31st, 2018 at Nakamura Keith Haring Collection


Wosene Worke Kosrof (born in Ethiopia 1950, lives and works in San Francisco)


Wosene Worke Kosrof is one of the world’s leading figures in contemporary art. He is known for his use of the script forms of Amharic (language of Ethiopia), for his vibrant colors and rhythmic lines, and he incorporates themes relating to pan-African arts.  He is the first Ethiopian-born artist to use the Ethiopian language as a core element in contemporary art. Since the 1970s, his works have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the world, including in Japan.


The composition of colors Wosene uses in his works draws inspiration from jazz musicians, such as Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Ella Fitzgerald, to name a few, as well as from modern and traditional Ethiopian music. The unique ‘scenes’ in his paintings are open to many different interpretations, and the colors of sounds generate energy and movement in his works.


This exhibition not only presents the possibilities of visual art, but it is also an exploration of the world of Wosene that integrates components of language, music, color, and form that speak to international viewers and that transcend cultural boundaries, to become a visual poetry for the global stage.


-Wosene Worke Kosrof

(born in Ethiopia 1950, lives and works in San Francisco)


Wosene Worke Kosrof is one of the world’s leading figures of African contemporary art. He is known for his use of vibrant colors and rhythmic lines, and incorporation of themes relating to early African art. The employment of the Ethiopian language, Amharic, also plays an important role within Kosrof’s art. Since the 1970’s, his works have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States and Europe. Since 1995, he has had a solo exhibition at a gallery in Kochi, Japan. The composition of colors he uses within his work draws inspiration from Jazz musicians such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis and Ella Fitzgerald, as well as modern Ethiopian music. Krosrof’s paintings are hung throughout the walls of several hospitals in Japan, using the style and “music” his work evokes as art therapy.