第12回中村キース・ヘリング美術館 国際児童絵画コンクール受賞作品
The 12th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest
Winning Artworks
アートクリティック賞 Art Critic Awards
審査員 Judge
梁瀬 薫
Kaoru Yanase
Senior Advisor of Nakamura Keith Haring Collection/Art Critic AICA-USA Board Member
部門① Division I
ぼくとおかあさんのあいのはぐ A Loving Hug of Me and My Mom
豊島 結 Yu Toyoshima(福島 Fukushima, Japan)
The love shown in “being firmly connected” instantly jumped into my eyes. The facial expressions of the two are powerful, and the colors are shown firmly on the work. It’s simple, but it touched my heart.
部門② Division Ⅱ
Music Connecting the Soul of Nature 自然の魂を結びつける音楽
I was surprised at the skillful work. Both the blue gradation and the composition are splendid. The sounds created by the distinct musicians are reflected on the tiles in the background. We can almost hear the warping notes.
部門③ Division Ⅲ
きずな Kinship
藤戸 創真 Soma Fujito(香川 Kagawa, Japan)
The concept itself and the overall color tone that make up the work are wonderful. Each face is humorous and highlights the individuality and different personalities. Not only the contrast between the dull skin color of the humans and the light color of the dots, but also as if the dots were embracing people’s voices and lives.