第12回中村キース・ヘリング美術館 国際児童絵画コンクール受賞作品
The 12th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest
Winning Artworks
パトリシア・フィールド賞 Patricia Field Awards
審査員 Judge
Patricia Field
Costume Designer/Stylist
部門① Division I
The connection between human and the earth (Protect our earth)
Hello Yu Sun. From your very intelligent commentary as well as how you translated your attitude through your painting I found it most interesting and I congratulate you on your winning.
こんにちは、Yu Sun。あなたの知的な説明と作品への意見の表現の仕方を興味深く感じました。受賞おめでとう。
部門② Division Ⅱ
All Creatures are Harmony Connected 全ての生き物はハーモニーで繋がっている
Bernice Kristen Chan(香港 Hong Kong)
Hi Kristen. Your painting is extraordinary for a young lady of your age. You’re very evolved in your painting style as well as your intellectual delivery of the subject matter. I congratulate you. It was excellent.
部門③ Division Ⅲ
奇跡的な出会いMiraculous Encounter
長坂 彩可 Ayaka Nagasaka(山梨 Yamanashi, Japan)
Hello Ayaka. I feel that you have really evolved in your drawing, painting style. It was quite direct and it caught my eye.