第12回中村キース・ヘリング美術館 国際児童絵画コンクール受賞作品
The 12th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest
Winning Artworks
中村キース・ヘリング美術館賞 Nakamura Keith Haring Collection Awards
審査員 Judge
中村 和男
Kazuo Nakamura
中村キース・ヘリング美術館 館長
Nakamura Keith Haring Collection Director
部門① Division I
つながる To Connect
永井 秀弥 Shuya Nagai(千葉 Chiba, Japan)
まず「人間のつながり、胎児からお母さんのつながり」があるけれども、あったかくてほわぁ〜とした、絵の持つ色合いの面白さが 素晴らしいなと思いました。
At first glance, it is clear that this drawing is about the connection between the mother and the infant. But more than that, I found the warmth that this work’s colors evoke quite extraordinary.
部門② Division Ⅱ
つながり遊園地 Connecting Amusement Park
山下 琥太郎 Kotaro Yamashita(東京 Tokyo, Japan)
This drawing shows the connections among people very well. From global relationships to a heaven-like place and the animals, they all coexist and related to each other in many different ways. I also thought that the sci-fi-esque structure in the center is fascinating.
部門③ Division Ⅲ
めざせ Aim
石原 陸郎 Rikuro Ishihara(神奈川 Kanagawa, Japan)
I am quite impressed by the design aspect, composition, and boldness of the lines. I also found it very interesting that the artist drew the herd of sheep from behind. The powerfully drawn lines are very effective.