第12回中村キース・ヘリング美術館 国際児童絵画コンクール受賞作品
The 12th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest
Winning Artworks
第12回中村キース・ヘリング美術館 国際児童絵画コンクール受賞作品
山梨県知事賞 Governor of Yamanashi Prefecture Awards
審査員 Judge
長崎 幸太郎
Kotaro Nagasaki
Governor of Yamanashi
部門① Division I
つながる金魚(Connecting Goldfish)
谷 みより Miyori Tani(山梨 Yamanashi, Japan)
A school of fish of all sizes are drawn in vivid contrast. The traces of the brush on the blue remind me of the movement of swimming fish.
部門② Division Ⅱ
つながってできる(Formed by Connection)
前原 乙葉 Otoha Maehara(山梨 Yamanashi, Japan)
Numerous arms extend, intertwining with each other. The pattern on the extending arms and the earth with its tranquil facial expression is a reminder of the world where diversity is accepted.
部門③ Division Ⅲ
生き物のつながり(Connection of the Living)
金指 智哉 Tomoya Kanazashi(山梨 Yamanashi, Japan)
Society’s dark side is well drawn by the depiction of the nightmarish daily routine. I can tell that the artist pondered deeply about the theme, connection.