中村キース・ヘリング美術館国際児童絵画コンクールは「将来を担う子供たちが夢と希望を抱いて未来に羽 ばたいていけるように」という想いから、キース・ヘリング財団の協力を得て2008年より開催されています。 生涯を通して世界各地で子供たちとのワークショップを行い、平和と未来、そして愛と希望のメッセージを発 信し続けたヘリングの遺志を受け継ぐ活動です。
The Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest started in 2008 under the recognition of the Keith Haring Foundation in hopes to give children, who will lead the future, a platform to enrich and explore their creativities through art to step into the world with their dreams. The contest inherits Keith Haring’s effort to send message of peace, love and hope as Haring had numerous workshops with children all over the world throughout his life.
We are pleased to introduce the winning artworks and comments from judges of the 11th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest.
キース・ヘリング財団賞/Keith Haring Foundation Awards
審査員 Judge
Gil Vazquez
キース・ヘリング財団 プレジデント
President of The Keith Haring Foundation
部門① Division I
Love Puzzle(ラブパズル)
Rafaela Rozendo Bortoli(ブラジル/Brazil)
We are all part of a large puzzle! This drawing says that perfectly! Well done!
部門② Division Ⅱ
人と動物のつながり(Humans and Animals)
松本 和奏 Wakana Matsumoto(神奈川/Kanazawa, Japan)
This painting is sweet and warm. It reminds us that we are not only connected with one another but with our animal friends as well.
部門③ Division Ⅲ
Kwok Ka Hang(香港/Hong Kong)
This drawing highlights the magnitude of what we are all connected to. From birth we are connected to everything on Earth and we are all made of the same things as stars. This drawing is a wonderful representation of how everything in the universe is connected. Beautiful!