パトリシア・フィールド賞 Patricia Field Awards
パトリシア・フィールド Patricia Field
(コスチュームデザイナー/スタイリスト Costume Designer/Stylist )
部門1 Division I
Pouring Rain(大雨)
Natalie Geraldine Lim(マレーシア/Malaysia)
This evokes Gene Kelly’s “singing in the rain” showing happiness in the face of adversity.
部門2 Division Ⅱ
私の心臓(MY HEART)
藤戸 万叶(香川県/Kagawa,Japan)
This gives me an abstract illustration of our cracked earth and climate change. Such an important topic!
部門3 Division Ⅲ
時の少女(Girl of Time)
青木 暁音(埼玉県/Saitama,Japan)
I think this depicts the female condition of today and how it must improve.