


受賞作品紹介 Winning Works|ミス・グランド・ジャパン賞 Miss Grand Japan Awards

ミス・グランド・ジャパン賞 Miss Grand Japan Awards

吉井 絵梨子 Eriko Yoshii(ミス・グランド・ジャパン運営代表 National Director of Miss Grand Japan)

部門1 Division I

おてわんちゃん(Give Paw)

金沢 望未(長崎県/Nagasaki, Japan)


I felt the softness of the dog’s fur by the colors and thickness of the brush. Differences in fur colors and shadows are illustrated in all shades of brown and I thought it was cute that the title was very matching.


部門2 Division II

Fireflies dancing in the night(夜に舞う蛍)

Tsz Chun Lui(香港/Hong Kong)


I was drawn to the dimly lit fireflies and their colorfulness in the dark. I wonder if the artist intended to use the gleaming cat’s eyes to emphasize the darkness. The impact of the drawing and portrayal method are amazing.



部門3 Division III


鎌倉 采花(徳島県/Tokushima, Japan)


The expressive tips of hands and toes, which is asked for ballet, are drawn beautifully. The joy of dancing ballet is captured in the girl’s facial expression and the soft colored background.