アートクリティック賞 Art Critic Awards
梁瀬 薫 Kaoru Yanase
Senior Advisor of Nakamura Keith Haring Collection / Art Critic)
部門1 Division I
ありのす (Ant’s Nest)
古谷 惟人 Tadahito Furutani(東京都/Tokyo, Japan)
Underground ant fortress. Very well observed. The moving ants underground are drawn. Such a good idea to use the katakana letter as their legs. A surface full of rhythm. The contrast between the earth, ground, sky and green is beautiful.
部門2 Division II
Moving Eras (動く時代)
Kivithi Lithaya Gardihewa(スリランカ/Sri Lanka)
The theme of movement is captured by the grandness of time. The lines drawn on the red wall reminds me of the Lascaux Cave, but most importantly, the depiction of the figures and use of crayons are unique. The pureness of red and yellow, curving the space on the surface, gives me a sense of time.
部門3 Division III
MOOD (気分)
Wing Ki Lo(香港/Hong Kong)
The movement of emotions is apparent in this work. The groaning is well portrayed. It is wonderful that she did not focus on details and filled up the paper with just the body movements.