第12回中村キース・ヘリング美術館 国際児童絵画コンクール受賞作品
The 12th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest
Winning Artworks
清春芸術村賞 Kiyoharu Art Colony Awards
審査員 Judge
吉井 仁実
Hiromi Yoshii
清春芸術村吉井財団 理事長
Chairman of Kiyoharu Art Colony Foundation Yoshii
部門① Division I
Bathe 入浴
It is expressed like that the moonlight and the swaying curtains
are reflected in a mystical way on the surface of the water,
as if they are soft and blended together.
部門② Division Ⅱ
弱肉強食・食って・食われて Survival of the Fittest
高橋 莉久斗 Rikuto Takahashi(群馬 Gunma, Japan)
It is the powerful work expressed by the dynamic brush strokes and the use of colors.
It creates the lively composition that the representing of the baton of lives which is passed down.
部門③ Division Ⅲ
脈 Pulse
岩本 萌依 Moe Iwamoto(茨城 Ibaraki, Japan)
In expressing the flowers,
using fine lines and painted with the conscious of the connection between the structure of them.
The colors seem to ooze through the darkness to create a delicate work of art that gives us hope.